My good friend Darren!
Today I met with my really good friend and ex-roomate from Hawaii, Darren! He came to Japan for a week and we got to hang out and talk about old times! Darren and I have been through a lot together... lived in a tiny small apartment together, lived on Jack In The Box for how many years and pretty much lived at the beach.. all the stories ahahahha!! We were like " Batman and Robin ". How the years have gone by... we were such young healthy kids back then, now we're all grown up... but I think we still got very young hearts~ It was really nice just sitting down and talking about all the good and bad times we had. Friends are really important, they are constant reminders of where you came from. Your true friends will always be there for you no matter how many years pass between you. Thanks for being a great friend and rad roomate D !

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