It has been a really cool tour for me~ and what better way to wrap up our tour by touring with Olivia The Band!!! I've known OTB since they first started, I even knew them before they were Olivia, well at least Justin, at that time he was in a band called " Engine 9 " in Hawaii. Olivia started bursting into the Hawaiian scene right when my old band " Prom King " was starting off. We played various shows together and had some good times!! Olivia decided to move to California to do music and that really inspired me to leave Hawaii to follow my dream of music.
old picture~ Me playing with Prom King at Olivia's show @ CLUB 478/Hawaii 2000?
see young Justin in the back?? ahahaha! PUNK ROCK! Good timez brotha!

It's been 8 years since I have seen Justin, Reed~ and first time meeting the new guys Joel and David. I realized that it takes really nice people to make good music~ And that's what Olivia is~~ REALLY NICE PEOPLE THAT PLAY GOOD MUSIC!! I had listened to their CD before and was amazed at how good they got~ when I heard them at sound rehearsal I was blown away! They were really tight and sounded great!! Hanging out and playing with the OTB boyz again was like dejavu~ it really made me miss Hawaii and the old days. After living in Japan for so long I slowly started to forget who I was and where I came from~ meeting with OTB again made me remember, made me feel warm inside, made me smile.. that is the power of Hawaii, the power of friendship ,the power of music and the power of ohana.....
Unfortunately, Joel had a family crisis and had to go back to California~ OTB had to cancel the rest of their tour, but they showed up to all of our shows and gave their support~ thanks guys~ it was great seeing all of you~ thanks for the unforgettable memories and let's make many more! I really think that this connection with OTB and SFS, Hawaii and Japan is the beginning of something big!! Aloha! MAGUROOOOOOOOOOOO!
P.S. thank you Masa!!

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