When I first came to Japan I met a Japanese Punk Rock band called Drive Mone¥. What I admire so much about this band and the people in it, is their love for music, their passion for their dreams and for how hungry they are ! I knew Sho, the lead vocalist for more than 10 years, he has gone through some ups and downs with music and bands, but he never gave up music. Drive Mone¥ broke up a few years back and I got a call from Sho saying that his old drummer from DM¥, Masa was returning and they would start DM¥ again! I was so excited and happy for him since I knew how much he loved his old band and their punk rock style.
I went and watched their first street show after so many years at Shibuya, lately the police have been really strict on playing on the street especially with a drum set and loud amps, so Sho and DM¥ recorded instrumental tracks at their practice studio and basically played to a Karaoke track on the street!! The drummer Masa played bass just to rock out!!! NOW HOW PUNK IS THAT!!!!
What is Punk? What is Street lifestyle and culture?? Just watch DM¥ play, they are as about punk and street as you can get! PUNK isn't about fashion and how much tattoos you have, as a matter of fact, no one in DM¥ has a tattoo, but their hearts are filled with tattoos! I think PUNK is about defying the odds, going against what everyone tells you is right, rebelling, playing your heart out even if it is through a small amp karaoke style in front of people you don't even know on the sreet!! That's being hungry, that's being punk! It made me ask myself " Have I really put 100% into my music? Have I really tried to promote my music? Have I really put 100% into following my dream? Am I that hungry?" Also if you are following you dream ask yourself the same question. How can you be a musician if you never played on the street? how can you call yourself " PUNK " if you are not willing to go that extra step, it's like saying how can you say you are a surfer but have never been to Hawaii to ride one of the most beautiful waves on the planet? I'll be playing a street live with DM¥ Sunday, 8/23/09 at Harajuku Startion ( Omotesando Exit ) from 14:00 to 17:00, come down and check it out!
友達のバンドDrive Mone¥、数年前に解散したんだけど、またやることになった。彼らこそ本物のPUNKだと思う。PUNKって何?TATTOO? FASHION? CULTURE? 彼らにとってのPUNKはどんな状況でも、自分の夢のために何でも頑張ること。彼らはTATTOOを一つもいれてないんだ。でも心がTATTOOだらけ。それがPUNK ROCKERS!!!! 彼らのHUNGRYさを見て自分に聞く。俺は100%力を出しているのか?もっと出来るんじゃないのか?どこまでやるかは自分次第!やるぞう!23日の日曜日14:00~17:00、原宿駅(表参道出口)で!LIVEします!

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