THE SURFSKATERS 2008 at Ichinomiya Beach, Chiba
AMAZING SUNNY DAY!!! Although it's supposed to be the hottest and sunniest month of the year, for the past two weeks it has been cold and rainy!! The four years I have lived in Japan I have never seen this kind of weather and was sad since we had our first show in 3 months at one of our favorite events ...THE SURF SKATERS!! This would be our thrid time playing at this event which is held on the beach at Ichinomiya, Chiba. The night before was like a typhoon! RAIN.. THUNDER.. WIND.. I thought for sure that the event would be cancelled, but the next day, as we drove to Chiba, the clouds disappeared and the sun shined through!! To my amazement it became a beautiful sunny day!
Thanks to Maki Claude, Akila, Maro san, Katsumata san, Sound Forest and eveybody that made this event possible!! Couldn't think of a better way to end our summer!
ずっと天気悪くて、SURF SKATERSとLIVE CANCELになると思って、いきなりSUNNY DAYになってびっくりしました!神様本当にありがとうございました!すばらしいEVENTでした!ひさしぶりのライブだったし、いっぱい友達と会えたし、あああ〜うれしかった!みんな、最後まで見てくれてありがとう!やっぱりライブって、楽しいね!早くまたライブやりたいです! Maki Claude, Akila, Maro san, Katsumata san, Sound Forestあと、このイベントをSUPPORTしてくれた人たちに〜ありがとうございました!

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