Aloha! I have started my new solo project called " A2ron ". I have so many so songs that I have written in the past that I really want everyone to listen to and mostly.. I just REALLY want to sing. Acoustic guitar has always been the tool that I have used to make melodies and lyrics, when playing with a full band, sometimes the true essence of the song gets lost, so I'm really excited to go back to my roots! I still believe that with only one guitar and one voice a message can still be sent, if not absorbed even more.
" A2ron " is basically my life story portrayed through music and the acoustic guitar is just my vehicle to help send and share my stories to everyone. 6/20 I'll be playing my first show in Yokosuka at Green Hill with Valve Drive, acoustic show. Should be really relaxed and just a bunch of friends getting together having fun! So come down if you are free! I'll be doing more shows this summer, hopefully closer to everyone who is far away from Yokosuka, I'll keep you updated!! Thank You! PUNK ROCK FAMILY!

One day I decided to walk from Shonan to Yokosuka. check it! journey is what brings us happiness not the destination
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