" Sunny Day " in Shonan...
Today I woke up and noticed it was a really nice and sunny day. I checked the surf report and the waves had dropped, but I decided to go for a trip to Shonan anyway. The weather was beautiful!! Felt like summer!! Shonan always makes me feel relaxed and helps me remember who I really am, not a city person but an ocean lover. I sat there in front of the beach listening to the sound of the waves. I am trying to write some new songs, I needed to clear my mind to envision concepts for my next song. I'm a strong believer in melody, but I believe the lyrics of the song is what matters the most. What's the meaning of having a beautiful looking book without an interesting story? Nothng but paper.
I Enjoyed a cold beer to myself and shared a PIZZA MAN with a TONBI (Hawk). After, I met up with Kaz and we practiced in Fujisawa. We didn't realize it but our single " Sunny Day " had already been released in stores, so we went to Tower Records and Tahara to look and write a few comments. What a perfect day for Sunny Day to come out!!

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