Today I went to my friend " Haku's " LIVE SHOW in Hiyoshi!! Haku( Hiroshi ) has always supported my band and has come to most of my shows, so it was really nice turning the tables around and watching him play on stage! Papa, Toshi and Kon Chan who have always support me and SFS were there too!! I heard one of his demo cds awhile back and was really suprised!!! " who is this??! HIROSHI?? MASAKA!!? " He is short in height and really looks like a delicate young kid, almost like a little brother, but his voice is really cool!! HUSKY like he has been drinking WHISKY from birth! On top of that he is a great guitar player!! Haku's show was at Hiyoshi's " Nap Live House ", it was a nice place with a cool atmosphere~ Haku came on stage, seemed a little shy and nervous but as soon as he started playing he transformed into this SHIBUI ROCK STAR!! Then my favorite song " No War " was played and I was feeling the vibe! Good Job and Good show Haku!!
When I saw Haku playing on stage tonight, I was reminded about what music was really about.. having fun, singing your heart out and just rocking your ass off!! Playing with a full band in front many people is nice, but I give more respect to people who stand on stage with one guitar and one mic in front a few people. Acoustic solo acts are truely from the heart, and there is no margin for mistakes, it's all about soul. Much respect Haku! Look forward to seeing your next show!!


The Boyz!!
Kon Chan, Haku, Toshi and Me.. Papa had to leave early so we couldn't get him in the shot~ sorry next time brother!

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