Yesterday we had a show at Zengyo Z ( FLY☆81 BEACH ). From morning, I felt really bad. I was coughing, had a runny nose, and my body ached all over. "Uh~oh, this is the first signs of INFLUENZA!" I thought to myself! I drank some medicine and went to Zengyo~ I felt better when I arrived, but after sound check it hit me hard!!! My body started to get chills and my head was hurting bad! I could not escape the cold. I stayed inside the car with the heater on for almost 6~7 hours trying to beat this virus. Start From Scratch went on at 9pm so I just wanted to save as much energy as I could to be able to play our set. I managed to finish our set, but I knew that after all of that sweating and moving around, my conditon would get worse. After the show I immediately changed and went home. I'm sorry to all the bands that I couldn't watch and support. This was probably one of the worst experiences I had with INFLUENZA!
I really want to say thanks to everyone that helped me when I was sick. When you are sick you are very vulnerable and weak, and even if you don't want to, you must depend on other people to help you. At times like this, you really notice who your REAL friends are and who are NOT. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart, because of your help I was able to play the show and was able to beat this influenza in just one day. Thank you so much.

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