Lately I have been seeing the commercial for Billy's Bootcamp on TV. I remember when he came out with " Tae-Bo " and I never thought much of it. Since it was raining pretty much all day today I decided to try out the AB workout ( onaka ). In the beginning I was like.. " hmm.. not bad, I can do this EASY!! " but after the first 5 minutes I started to sweat and breathe heavily. Billy and the rest of his team do not stop for 30 minutes ....straight exercise!!! By the end of the workout I was pouring with sweat and could not move!!! After taking a shower I checked out my weight on the scale and within 30 minutes I lost 1.5 kg's!!! My stomach felt tight and I felt really good!! Dam!! Much respect to Billy and to anyone who can do this workout!! IT IS VERY HARD!!! GANBAROOOOO!!

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