GUNS N' ROSES!!! nuff said!
Today we went to Tokyo Budokan to watch Guns N' Roses!!! Mr.Kurihara from AUDIO-TECHNICA hooked us up with some invitations!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!! I've loved GNR from ever since I was a little kid, I remember when I first heard " Welcome to the Jungle " I was immediately hooked!! Plus at that time EVERYBODY loved GNR, it was a time in our teenage lives, where the music they played gave us that rebellious, F@CK school, surf, sk8 and just have fun motivation! I was never really a party freak, but I would listen to my GNR cassettes ( you notice I said cassettes.. ) with my friends while sk8ing and driving in my friend Jay's car. My uncle showed me a video he had of them playing live in Japan, it was so cool!! We would blast the speakers and drive the neighbors crazy!! ahahaa! SLLUUURRRRR!! Then they came out with " you could be mine " which was the song for TERMINATOR 2, which was one of my favorite movies!!
I've always wanted to see GNR play live and being able to watch them after so many years, was like a dream come true!! My Unlce saw them awhile back and said that it was one of the best concerts he had been too! The show was killer, AXL was the only original member left, but they still rocked!! So many songs, so many memories, I had to fight back the tears!! One thing is for sure, no matter how many years pass by, they still rock and their songs are unforgettable. I want to be in a band like that, GANBAROO!

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