Check out Namba san's ( Hi-Standard x ULTRA BRAIN ) f@ckin' cool bracelets!!
Thanks Namba san!!

" journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination... "
Check out Namba san's ( Hi-Standard x ULTRA BRAIN ) f@ckin' cool bracelets!!
Check out Red Bull's website and you can listen to a preview of our new song " Lose Control " that was chosen for one of Red Bull's BMX promo videos. As everyone knows, SFS loves Red Bull and we're so stoked that our song was picked! Check it out at Red Bull Downstairs! Look out for the full version coming soon!
It was a cloudy, cold, rainy day.... but that didn't stop Ryo and I from taking a nice refreshing walk.. we walked from Fujisawa all the way to Kamakura!! I often go on walks with my friend Ryo, we laugh and drink our favorite Grape Flavored CALORIE chu-hai's along the road. It's good to spend time with your friends and release all your stress, walk your problems away. After getting wet from the rain, we felt like we were getting sick so we went to a bath house and chilled in the hot water and sauna! TKO!