Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
My good friend Darren!
Today I met with my really good friend and ex-roomate from Hawaii, Darren! He came to Japan for a week and we got to hang out and talk about old times! Darren and I have been through a lot together... lived in a tiny small apartment together, lived on Jack In The Box for how many years and pretty much lived at the beach.. all the stories ahahahha!! We were like " Batman and Robin ". How the years have gone by... we were such young healthy kids back then, now we're all grown up... but I think we still got very young hearts~ It was really nice just sitting down and talking about all the good and bad times we had. Friends are really important, they are constant reminders of where you came from. Your true friends will always be there for you no matter how many years pass between you. Thanks for being a great friend and rad roomate D !

Monday, March 12, 2007
Today is the last day of +44's Japan Tour. We had an unbelievable time and this is experience has opened up larger doors for all of us. Dreams do come true!!! Thank you +44 and STAFF, Creativeman, Universal Music, Zengyo Z SHACHOU, Rock of Ages Records, Nagoya Diamond Hall, Zepp Tokyo and Osaka Namba Hatch. SFS is going to try harder and harder to make better music for everyone to hear so LOOK OUT!!!

SFS and +44

Saturday, March 10, 2007
HURLEY Shop Opening/Acoustic Live w/KEISON
We had a few days off of the +44 Tour so we got to play an acoustic set at the opening of the new Hurley Shop in Harajuku. Keison, who is like the Jack Johnson of Japan played, he was really good! Playing on stage with a full band is nice, but sometimes just playing your acoustic guitar by yourself feels so nice.

Friday, March 09, 2007
Third day of the tour and second day at ZEPP TOKYO!! Today there were more people than yesterday and everyone was going off!!! The show was really fun and everyone was having a blast! Good 4 Nothing from Osaka also played that night with us! Playing at ZEPP has always been one of my dreams and yesterday and today one of my dreams has come true!
SFS and Good 4 Nothing

Thursday, March 08, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Day 15 : back to Japan
Back in Japan!! 2 weeks in California, recording, shooting our Music Video, hanging out with friends, visiting family and eating a lot of AMERICAN JUNK FOOD! What can I say... it was a great 2 weeks and I'm really excited to hear and see the finished product. But the fun isn't over yet... we go on tour with Plus 44 ( ex. Blink-182 Mark and Travis' new band !!!) in a few days. Then after that PUNKSPRING!!! ALRIIIGHT!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Day 14 : Family
Today I visited my mom. My cousin Mina, her son Lawrence and my cousin Sam were there always we had our traditonal korean dinner. MY MOM IS THE BEST COOK!! She makes enough for 10 people! I haven't seen my cousins for years, they were all grown up, how time flies. It was really nice being able to sit down and talk to everyone again. So many memories~ Family is important, and I'm going to try and visit my family more often, keep the love. I LOVE YOU MOM! Even though you are far away from me you will always be close to my heart.